Ohk lets begin from the very beginning [Craig Daniel] "Bond" is given the very prestigious 007 status, we take Bond as metrosexual romantic frenzy lover with the IQ of 160, who can read faces, can take crucial decisions at very bad times..that's bcuz he's 007 after all he's James Bond. His eyes are bizarre blue, he's got a good bulit abs and biceps, he seldom smiles and has a lot going on in his mind everytime. The "kewlest" Bond has ego problems in the movie, many a times he's adviced by either his boss or lovely Vesper that he must shed his Ego inorder to concentrate on his goals..
The interesting part is he's just been promoted and he's using her boss' usernames and passwords without her permission, he slipped into her house to track some confidencial information and unlike other spies he waited for her to return and yell at him.. strange !!
He's good in poker, we come to knw abt this when he wins 1960' Ashton Martin from an imp enemy at a poker game. WOW!! If he's that good at poker why can't he be a proffessional poker man [which will make him own so many Casino Royales and Hiltons and Alladins.] Anyways.. Bond's expressions are noticable when the first lady he hooked up with[in the movie] DIES. Bond twice stopped major terrorist acts, and even gave the bad ppl boxes of solid losses which resulted in $ 100 million, now when Bond knows whoz this bad man and even knows their terrorist activities their plots, why can't he just go and catch hold of him. Later in the movie when the bad guy looses $ 100 million, he goes to Casino Royale to make up the loss, so british intelligence sends bond to play poker [Wow what a job] and win $ 100 million so that terrorist becomes hopeless and finds no-where to go in debt and surrendors, i think the basic idea is to choke off their funds, "Le Chiffe"[Mad mikkelson] is that bad guy in the movie, where-as in the other case if Bond looses than directly British govt.. wud be financing the terrorists. Ironically true.
Its all abt stake..Bond's love for "vesper" [Eva green] wz actualy real, he slowly n sdeadily fell for it, began trusting somebody, not realsiing that she's already being used for this job "treasury keeper" as Bond calls her. He creates the lovely "Martini" VESPER. So sad the woman, who's curves and innocense with melancholic smile wud force Mr. Bond to name a drink on her name, betrays him and strategically feels sorry abt her unfaithfulness. She the end.He's so kool tht he does't care if his martini is shaken or stirred, if the lemon slice is just on the right bent. His bloody encounters are worth watching, his near-death experiences proove his toughness, at one time he almost lost his pulse facing a major cardiac arrest due to poisoning. His love "Vesper" saves him just on the right mili-second, he wakes up with a jerk and casually asks her "Are you okay !!"" hail Bond you'r seriously tough.
The gr8 news is tht Bond wins $ 120 million in Casino Royale and is taken captive and is terribly "BALLS" tortured by Le Chiffe who just lost millions to Bond in Royale, he escapes after terrible sufferings somehow.
Probably with more movies coming up on Ian Fleming's eternal "BOND"i think he's going to be very harsh with other women now. All togather Daniel Craig's peformance is worth applause he has done justice to Ian Fleming, and probably will keep this status, he's been promoted to the role of "BOND" he wz finalised after 200 actors were already screened for this role. But i bet u wont regret watching it
""Beacuse now you know that 007's have very short life expectancy... so ur decision won't last long, or will it ?? ""
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